PowerStudies 2023 Highlights
2024 is finally here and we are excited for all that it will bring. With 2023 behind us, we want to reflect on all that 2023 has brought. Here are some PowerStudies highlights from 2023!
At the beginning of the year, the PowerStudies office, located in Maple Valley, Washington, went through an expansion and renovation. The office expanded into the neighboring unit allowing for a larger conference/training room, additional cubicle space, and a larger kitchen with a gathering area. We look forward to hosting more electrical safety training courses in the new conference/training room!
PowerStudies completed over 200 projects in 2023 for various types of facilities including hospitals, military bases, schools, data centers, and so much more. These projects included electrical safety training, arc flash, short circuit, load flow, motor starting, arc flash mitigation, and protective device coordination studies.
Left: Neighboring Unit Demolition Right: Completed Conference Room
The Powerstudies team continued to grow this year as we added two electrical engineers and an electrical engineering technician. Electrical engineers Steven Watson and Wooldoph Pierre-Louis joined the team and are both providing engineering support in conducting arc flash, short circuit, and protective device coordination studies. Electrical engineering technician, Colton Howell, works with the engineers on various projects and provides engineering support in conducting arc flash, short circuit, and protective device coordination studies. He also interfaces with customers and gathers data that is needed for the studies. We are happy to have Steven, Wooldoph, and Colton on the team!
The PowerStudies family grew in more ways than one! Electrical engineer, Steven Watson, became a father when he, and wife Shae, welcomed baby boy Theodore! Quotations specialist, Callie Lorentson, became Callie Towers after she and husband Bradley tied the knot in the fall of 2023. They then set off to Hawaii for their honeymoon! Quotations specialist, Janara Lane, became a grandmother in 2023 when her daughter Dominique welcomed a baby girl!
Left: Baby Theodore Middle: Newlyweds Bradley and Callie Towers Right: Janara Lane and granddaughter
To end a great year on a fun note, the PowerStudies office planned themed work days! The themed days included an ugly sweater day, sports team day, and lastly a pajama day! On pajama day, PowerStudies, Inc. partners Michelle Chouinard, Ann Holliday and Tam Tran prepared a delicious breakfast for the team!
Partner’s Breakfast and Pajama Day
The PowerStudies team wishes you a Happy New Year! We appreciate your business and look forward to continue working together into 2024 and beyond.