Veterans Affairs CMOP
PowerStudies, Inc's electrical safety instructors had the privilege to visit and teach at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy (CMOP) distribution facilities. With locations in Kansas, Arizona, Massachusetts, Texas, Tennessee, Illinois and South Carolina. The Leavenworth, Kansas CMOP was the first of the seven to process mail prescription workloads using an integrated, automated dispensing system. Each CMOP facility is responsible for filling and shipping prescriptions all over the U.S. for war veterans. Robert E. Fuhr, P.E. and Delinah Martinez traveled to each location to teach the Low Voltage NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Training on site for their electrical and maintenance personnel.
“Delinah, It was our pleasure to have you here as the instructor for the NFPA 70E Electrical Workplace Safety Training. I would like to add you are an excellent instructor. Having been a US Navy Instructor group leader in the Submarine Training Facility Charleston. Your ability as an instructor is highlighted by your excellent command of the English language and all of the traits that hold student focus to material that is not always interesting. Your analogies by using personal experience and setting the ground work early supporting your knowledge and confidence in the subject matter led to a great class room experience that went beyond the materials ability to impart a vivid understanding of Electrical Safety and Safety in general.”